In the print edition of today's Rocky Mountain News, Dave Chandler, is pictured as a candidate for U.S. House of Representatives for Colorado's 7th Congressional District.
From the caption to the phototgraph:
"What he says: "My candidacy provides the citizens of the 7th Congressional District with a genuine choice. The Green Party and my candidacy are all about departure from politics as usual."The photo is four years old, though a current one has been provided to the Rocky Mountain News. (Dave isn't complaining ... there certainly is more gray in his beard these days.)
The news article itself recounts only the political back-and-forth of personal charges and counter-charges that the news media and the two big parties seem to love. Not a single substantive issue of concern to the daily lives of residents of the 7th CD is mentioned.
Dave comments: "The article in the Rocky this morning proves the validity of my contention -- we need a departure from politics as usual. The tired, moribund big political party candidates, with the complicity of the news media, want to trade personal potshots at each other rather than discuss issues that really matter."It is being reported today that the "Iraq 4-Day Death Toll Climbs To 200." The voters of the 7th district, the people of America and Iraq, want a debate about how we can stop the killing -- not a tit-for-tat exchange about what 'Both Ways Bob' thought about Rick O'Donnell over four years ago.
""Principle Before Politics." The voters in the 7th Congressional District can say 'yes' to real discussion of important issues and say 'no' to petty sniping and the coming multimillion dollar television attack ads by voting for Dave Chandler for Congress!
This election -- do what is best for the country."
Link: Beauprez's '02 Claims Hurled at O'Donnell | Rocky Mountain News
Single in a district where lots of folks have kids.
Career government employee.
No business background.
Republican Bob Beauprez in a 2002 campaign mailing listed the reasons Rick O'Donnell shouldn't be elected congressman from the 7th District."The last thing Congress needs is another inexperienced bureaucrat playing games with our future," Beauprez said then, when he squared off against O'Donnell and two other Republicans in the GOP primary.
O'Donnell's back this year, again running in the 7th District.
And Democrats charge that the O'Donnell resume Beauprez found so lacking hasn't changed much in the past four years.
Not true, say O'Donnell supporters.