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April 16, 2009


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When a proctor misadministers a test, how can we call the test stupid? The error was made by the proctor, not the test. The fact that the scores were thrown out is silly, yes. However, that incident doesn't make the test "stupid." So let's hear why you think the test is stupid. By the way, if we don't use CSAP, how do parents, teachers, and students know if students are progressing? How do we really know the learning is taking place at the rate needed for the student to be successful in his/her chose field?

How do you know if your student is progressing? The fact that you even ask that question boggles my mind as a person and parent. Just my opinion here, but I hope, and am striving to guide, my children to develop into responsible, intellegent, compassionate and giving members of their community. I don't need or expect a school (or worse yet, a standardized test that doesn't account for the varied learning styles and multiple intelligences of kids) to do that for me. I constantly engage my kids in activities, such as, oh I don't know, reading, writing, going on hikes and exploring the world so that I can actually see if my kids are progressing. Some kids learn kinestetically, others verbally, others auditorially, others visually. These tests do not account for this fact. As far as the comment on "... successful in his or her chosen field?" What are you raising an engineer or a person?

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