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June 12, 2009


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Three things:

1) I really feel sorry for kids shuffled off to school this early. But this bit about 'biological imperatives' is, I think, a bit suspect. Didn't farm kids do the 'early to bed, early to rise' bit without psychological and physical damage? Just make the kids go to bed earlier if you're going to demand that they get up that early. If you're a parent and you KNOW they have to get up at 6am, and you let them stay up til 1PM, then you're the one to blame for the damage done to them.

2) I suspect the reason the hours never get set later is because many parents WANT the kids out of the house early so they can get off to work themselves in peace.

3) Given (1) and (2), I can't understand why more parents don't simply educate their children (or oversee their education) themselves.

This is another example of pampering America's youth who want to stay up all night playing video games and texting their friends. Go to bed at some reasonable point after dark. Get up when it's light. Do things. Go to school. Stay awake. Learn. It's that simple.

It's the parents. It's the parents. It's the parents. Stop blaming the schools for bad parenting.

There is a ton of conflicting "research" on this topic, by the way.

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