The era of the "discount" teacher has arrived in Colorado.
The state legislature on the last day of its 2010 session acceded to the desires of Gov. Ritter and Colorado's top educrats by passing the so-called tenure reform bill.
Oh boy, now we have to be considered serious contestants for the big second round jackpot prize on "Race to the Top" (I think it's telecast right after 'American Idol').
What this new law will really mean, however, is that fewer and fewer of the "best and brightest" young adults will have much incentive to join the teaching profession. What new college freshman is going to risk racking-up a $30,000 student loan debt in order to get into a 'career' in Colorado where they could be deemed "inefficient" and fire-able after three years on the job because of arbitrary intangibles like classroom placement and the fickleness of students performing on the highly flawed CSAP test?
Of course, long term maybe that's the goal: the creation of a non-union, demoralized, low-wage, transient teacher corps. After all, if 'teachers' are going to be utilized primarily as test tutors, test-givers, data collectors and enforcers of 'zero tolerance' rules, well, then the best workforce for that kind of job will be financially stressed, indebted drudges who will do as they are told, no questions asked.
At this point I'll take my shot at the Colorado Education Association -- if they don't pull their support for every Democrat politician who voted for or supported this bill, then they will give-up a lot of credibility. Wouldn't the defeat of Chris Romer and Michael Johnston ... and Michael Bennett demonstrate some political "accountability" on education? (My prediction? The CEA doesn't have the guts.)
So, the "we know what's best for you" crowd has triumphed down at the state capitol building. Maybe Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will like Colorado's song and dance enough to give us some prize money with which to implement this teacher evaluation system. And, when CSAP scores remain stagnant, and community colleges report more students needing remedial reading and writing, and the drop-out rate goes up -- as they all will since few of these 'reforms' have anything to do with kids actually learning anything other than how to take a test -- then what?
In this post today I'd also like to share a news report that talks about the "go to college' obsession of the testing/accountability/nationalization crowd.
I am absolutely a believer in getting as much education as you can ... it really has more to do with quality of life than just how much money you can make. The joy of learning can be a lifetime pursuit that adds depth and character to a person's existence.
However, the push by Bush/Spellings/Obama/Duncan-Romer/Owens/Ritter to get kids to go to college for the sake of going to college (in other words, it makes the politicians look good), is misdirected in my opinion. Better that young folks who would be happier in trades and crafts find ways to make a living in those occupations instead of being saddled with tens of thousands of dollars of student loan debt.
The 'college obsession' of the current schooling elite isn't about acquiring skills and knowledge, it's about supporting the education-industrial complex. My personal advice to young people: if you want to go to college, go. If you don't, then resist the pressure from the educrats and politicians -- look for alternatives.
Doubters Say College Isn't for Everyone | Associated Press/
COLUMBIA, Mo. -- In a town dominated by the University of Missouri's flagship campus and two smaller colleges, higher education is practically a birthright for high school seniors like Kate Hodges.
She has a 3.5 grade-point average, a college savings account and a family tree teeming with advanced degrees. But in June, Hodges is headed to the Tulsa Welding School in Oklahoma, where she hopes to earn an associate's degree in welding technology in seven months.
"They fought me so hard," she said, referring to disappointed family members. "They still think I'm going to college."
The notion that a four-year degree is essential for real success is being challenged by a growing number of economists, policy analysts and academics. They say more Americans should consider other options such as technical training or two-year schools, which have been embraced in Europe for decades.
As evidence, experts cite rising student debt, stagnant graduation rates and a struggling job market flooded with overqualified degree-holders. They pose a fundamental question: Do too many students go to college?
"College is what every parent wants for their child," said Martin Scaglione, president and chief operating officer of work force development for ACT, the Iowa-based not-for-profit best known for its college entrance exam. "The reality is, they may not be ready for college."
President Barack Obama wants to restore the country's status as the world leader in the proportion of citizens with college degrees. The U.S. now ranks 10th among industrial nations.
But federal statistics show that just 36 percent of full-time students starting college in 2001 earned a four-year degree within that allotted time. Even with an extra two years to finish, that group's graduation rate increased only to 56 percent.
Spending more time in school also means greater overall student debt. The average student debt load in 2008 was $23,200 - a nearly $5,000 increase over five years. Two-thirds of students graduating from four-year schools owe money on student loans.
And while the unemployment rate for college graduates still trails the rate for high school graduates (4.9 percent versus 10.8 percent), the figure has more than doubled in less than two years.
From campus to mall
"A four-year degree in business - what's that get you?" asked Karl Christopher, a placement counselor at the Columbia Area Career Center vocational program. "A shift supervisor position at a store in the mall."
At Rock Bridge High School, one of Columbia's two high schools, 72 percent of the class of 2008 moved on to four-year colleges, with another 10 percent attending community college. That college attendance rate is consistent with national statistics.
Only 4 percent of Rock Bridge students chose technical training like the Oklahoma welding school where Hodges is headed.
Roughly 1,200 students from central Missouri take classes at the career center, supplementing their core high school courses with specialized training in automotive technology, culinary arts, animal science, robotics, landscape design, electrical wiring and more.
Hodges has been set on a welding career since she was 13. She craves independence and has little patience for fellow students who seem to wind up in college more from a sense of obligation than anything else.
"School is what they've been doing their whole lives," she said. "So they just want to continue. Because that's what they are used to."
Sue Popkes doesn't hide her disappointment over her younger daughter's decision. At the same time, she realizes that Hodges may achieve more financial security than a college degree could ever provide.
"It's sad to know she's going to miss that mind-opening effect of an undergraduate degree," Popkes said.
Ohio University economics professor Richard Vedder blames the cultural notion of "credential inflation" for the stream of unqualified students into four-year colleges. His research has found that the number of new jobs requiring college degrees is less than number of college graduates.
Vedder's work also yielded something surprising: The more money states spend on higher education, the less the economy grows - the reverse of long-held assumptions.
"If people want to go out and get a master's degree in history and then cut down trees for a living, that's fine," he said, citing an example from a recent encounter with a worker. "But I don't think the public should be subsidizing it."
Margaret Spellings, former federal education secretary under George W. Bush, remains a strong proponent of increased college access. She points to research showing that college graduates will on average earn $1 million more over a lifetime than those with only high school degrees.
"It is crucial to the success of our country and to us as individuals to graduate more students from college," she said at a National Press Club forum earlier this year.
For many, the dream of earning a college degree - and the social acceptance that comes with it - trumps a more analytical, cost-benefits approach.
John Reynolds, a Florida State sociology professor, found that unrealized educational expectations do not lead to depression or other long-term emotional costs.
"Rich kids, poor kids, 'A' students, 'C' students - we really didn't find any lasting impact on not getting the degree," he said.
Scaglione suggested that nothing short of a new definition for educational success is needed to diminish the public bias toward four-year degrees. He advocates "certification as the new education currency - documentation of skills as opposed to mastering curriculum."
"Our national system is, 'Do you have a degree or not?'" he said. "That doesn't really measure if you have skills."