First is the outrage of a soaring University of Colorado tuition increase being used in part to pay for raises for six figure administrators and bureaucrats.
My response: if you're planning on starting at CU next fall -- don't. Go to community college for a year, enroll in a certificate program, or work and save for the future (if it comes). I would also suggest to the CU regents that a pay freeze is in order ... almost everyone else in government has had to deal with this reality; the $300,000-plus administrators may just have to 'struggle' for a year or two with no raise, uh?CU tuition hike funded raises for Phil DiStefano, other top administrators | Boulder Daily Camera
It is an outrage, of course, because this tuition increase is yet another example of the redistribution of wealth from working and middle class Americans into the hands of the elite. This is 'class warfare' being waged by arrogant school officials and athletic 'directors' ... and we are definitely losing this war.
Second, the elite of the Jefferson County school district are intent upon punishing the citizens it serves by cutting programs that enrich and encourage academic success. No more instrumental music instruction in the elementary schools if the scolds get their way. (This has the ring of a coming request for a tax hike this fall, doesn't it?)
My response: music and art are essential ingredients to even a rudimentary education. My solution to the Jefferson school district's financial woes: privatize varsity sports. While physical education classes are also essential, in my opinion, football is not. Let parents and boosters of football and basketball organize their own non-profit competitive sports company and then they can lease the district's fields and courts for use. The school district would save significant amounts of money that could then be used for actual education.Advocates fighting to keep music playing in Colorado schools | Denver Post
Of course, my suggestion will never, ever be taken seriously -- the only reason public schools even exists for a lot of folks is because of varsity sports. You know ... too much book learnin' just raises a kids expectations and exposes them to 'liberal' influences in the long run anyway.