This report in today's explains the latest developments in the fight of Golden to stop this boondoggle: Jefferson Parkway fight headed to court - January 12, 2012
First -- this tollway project would not 'complete' the beltway. It is a ten mile stretch of road that doesn't connect with with the Northwest Parkway or C-470. The primary function of this highway would be to spur development of some commercial and mostly residential building on the southern boundary of Rocky Flats.
Second -- this tollway project is a prime example of a very small cadre of insiders and elitists seeking to use government for private gain. Government power would be used to push through this project that they want built by a Spanish corporation (who would run the tollway and receive the revenues). If toll revenues are not forth coming, well, this project has taxpayer bailout written all over it.
Third -- the route of this tollway will not alleviate any traffic congestion in the western Denver suburbs. Numerous studies have so determined. In fact, because travelers would seek to avoid the toll, it would undoubtedly increase traffic on Wadsworth, for instance.
Fourth -- in an era of over $3 a gallon gasoline, air quality issues, and a lingering recession, this kind of tollway is simply an out-of-date, old fashioned concept. Instead of finding hundreds of millions of dollars for this boondoggle, simply doing basic, economical improvements to Indiana and McIntrye streets would be of greatest benefit.
Five -- messing with soils around Rocky Flats is crazy. The greed demonstrated by the promoters of this tollway is clearly on display as the lawsuit in this story shows. Who in their right minds would risk disturbing potential buried plutonium around Rocky Flats ... except 'insiders' looking to make millions of dollars for themselves.
Huzzahs to Golden and Superior for filing their lawsuits!!!