I was born before the space age ... about a year before the launch of Sputnik. The Russians putting the first artificial satellite in orbit around the Earth changed everything, It became a national policy to encourage the development and study of science in schools, business, and government.
The modern miracle of the United States of America and the greatest technological advancements in human history occurred in this country in the the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s -- three decades in which we went from earth-bound human beings to Neil Armstrong setting foot on the moon.
At school during those years we watched every space launch and science was accorded the status it truly deserved as the engine of human and American progress. We have reaped the rewards of that emphasis today in medical-biological advancements; the internet/computer/smart phone information bonanza; enhanced energy production from a range or resources; even more efficacious, cheaper, and high tech consumer products to make everyday living easier.
Then something happened: the rise of the religious right around 1980 and the emergence of 21st century rightwing reactionaryism. Now science is suspect and the fashionable 'conservative' mantra is to label inconvenient science as "junk science". The prime driver is political, not a counter scientific theory, but propaganda spouted primarily by those who make obscene amounts of money off of old technologies and legacy 20th century mega-corporations. They don't like the concept that there are negative consequences that have gone along with the many positive benefits of old production methods. So, instead of embracing the future, they have decided instead to preserve their cash flow and merely deny that serious human-caused global warming is a reality.
Nevertheless, the evidence bolstering human-caused global warming gets clearer and more substantial almost every day.
So, here are links to scientific papers and articles, gifs and charts that explain so much of the phenomenon that confronts us. I have grave concerns that it may indeed be too late to mitigate the effects of anthropogenic climate change enough to render the intermediate future pleasant ... as a species I think we may be in for a fairly rough ride. Nonetheless, knowledge is power and without understanding what is going on, we certainly cannot take any earnest action at all.
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First, links reporting on a paper published earlier this year with a dire warnings. There are indications that the 'Day After Tomorrow' hypothesis may be happening.
Early Warning Signs for James Hansen’s Superstorms Visible — North Atlantic Cool Pool As Harbinger to “All Hell Breaking Loose”
(April 2016; with video)
The Struggle of Clear Climate Communication
Why it’s so difficult to talk about the new bombshell climate paper
(The Atlantic - March 23, 2016)
We had all better hope these scientists are wrong about the planet’s future
(Washington post - March 22, 2016)
No getting around it ... global warming/climate change is serious.
The Earth is warming at scary rates, and this GIF proves it
(Grist - May 9, 2016)
And ... let's be clear, humans are causing climate change. Believe your own eyes.
What's Really Warming the World?
(June 24, 2016 - Bloomberg)
• Click on this wonderful active presentation that graphically illustrates that it is not the earth's orbit, it is not the sun, it is not volcanos -- WE are causing global warming. •
And in language that anyone can understand.
Global warming isn’t natural, and here’s how we know
(June 6, 2016)
Study: humans have caused all the global warming since 1950
Global warming attribution studies consistently find humans are responsible for all global warming over the past six decades.
(The Guardian - April 19, 2016)
About hydraulic fracturing, 'fracking' ... yes, there are sobering evidence about methane releases into the atmosphere.
Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry
Our leaders thought fracking would save our climate. They were wrong. Very wrong.
(Bill McKibben - March 24, 2016)
Finally, my point on so many problems that are confronting human beings on this planet: there are just too many of us.
Over-population is the real cause of climate change – it’s killing us all off
Despite all the warnings of global warming and imminent disaster, it is unlikely that we will change our ways until a real catastrophe actually occurs.
(April 23, 2014 - with four excellent videos)